
24th UIA CONGRESS       CALL FOR CONTRIBUTIONS The organisers of the UIA TOKYO 2011 congress (25-28 September 2011) call on architects, engineers, researchers and students throughout the world to express their ideas on the congress theme: DESIGN 2050, and its three subthemes: environment, cultural exchange, life. The deadline for submission of project abstracts is set for 31 October 2010. All necessary information on the call for contributions can be downloaded from the congress website:  http://www.uia2011tokyo.com/en/callfor/  

ISTANBUL FESTIVAL OF ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING  For more information on the festival http://www.archfilmfest.org/ Turkish Chamber of Architects http://www.mimarlarodasi.org.tr/  

BELGRADE MODERN AND POST-MODERN CITY  The European branch of the American Institute of Architects chose the city of Belgrade for its AIA-Europe conference this coming 7 to 10 October. Entirely dedicated to the Serbian capital and its prestigious architectural heritage, the conference will discuss the key events and periods in the city’s history and its urban evolution from its founding up to now. Well-known historians and architects will provide these descriptions. For more information http://aiaeurope.org/events/2010/Belgrade/  

UIA ARCHITECTURE AND CHILDREN GOLDEN CUBES  The UIA work programme developed this series of awards to recognise individuals or organisations that work to raise awareness of architecture among children and young people. Participants must submit their candidatures to the UIA Member ection in their home country, that will make a first selection at the national level. An international jury will then chose the best projects from among the national winners. Candidatures have already been received in 22 countries. The submission deadline for registration files is 15 March 2011. Formore information on the prizes http://www.uia-architectes.org/texte/england/Cubes/2Annonce.html Download the competition documents http://uiabee.riai.ie/awards-en.html

 INTERNATIONAL COURSE ON PRESERVING MODERN ARCHITECTURE  The 4th session of this training programme, set up by the International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM), will take place in Helsinki, Finland on 28 May – 23 June 2011, and will discuss mutations in the conservation of modern architecture. Two edifices will serve as references: the Olympic stadium built in 1938 by Yrjö Lindegren and Toivo Jäntti and the administrative and cultural centre in Seinäjoki, designed by Alvar Aalto in 1951 and built under his care between 1960 and 1987. The deadline for registrations is 12 October 2010. http://www.iccrom.org/eng/01train_en/announce_en/2011_05Marc_en.shtml See the video on the Seinäjoki administrative centre http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMUUQnoHbW4

(E-newsletter published by the International Union of Architects – UIA)


Event Announcement:  International Conference “Integrated Environment Management of the Adriatic / Mediterranean–Black Sea Coastal Areas and the Danube/Sava River Basins Focused on Transport and Tourism”  10 to 11 November 2010, Ljubljana Organisers: International Center for Promotion of Enterprises (ICPE), Ljubljana; European Center for Peace and Development (ECPD), Ljubljana; ASO Ljubljana et al. More information: http://www.ecpd.si  

Event Announcement: International Conference “Changes of Identity, Culture and Language of Roma in the Conditions of Planned Social and Economic Integration in the States of South-Eastern Europe” 

6 to 7  december 2010, Belgrade Organisers: ASO Ljubljana and Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts Objectives: Improvement of theoretical-empirical paradigm of study of the Roma culture and identity Connection of research and university centres in the region which deal with studying the Roma culture and  dentity 

1.Including young experts into research programmes

2.Incitement of development policy of the Roma identity in SEE

3.Initiation of a network of scientific research centres and projects dealing with the Roma in SEE

4.Increasing the capacity of scientific research institutions in SEE

More information: http://www.aso.zsi.at/sl/veranstaltung/3618.html

The final conference programme will be available after 20 October 2010.

Event Announcement:  4th International Conference for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Regional Development – ICEIRD 2011: Through Entrepreneurial Learning to Innovations and Regional Development

5 to 7 May 2011, Ohrid Organiser: National Centre for Innovations and Entrepreneurial Learning – www.ncdiel.mk 

ASO Ljubljana is partner of the event with some specific contributions dealing with “Southeast Europe and the EU Innovation Agenda”. Please find a first Call for Papers for the conference at http://www.aso.zsi.at/aktuelles/3604.html

 Event Review:  “South Eastern European Mountain Research & Global Change Strategy Development and Networking Conference” 26 to 29 August 2010, Timisoara, Romania

ASO Ljubljana was a partner of the West University of Timisoara, Department of Geography, and the European programme of the Mountain Research Initiative in organising an international conference on global change in the mountain regions of South Eastern Europe. About forty participants produced a “Catalogue of Research Summaries”, and elaborated twenty-one priority topics for future research activities within five themes with high relevance to the mountains of the SEE region: Tourism, institutions, mining, adaptation to climate change, and palaeoscience. The meeting was concluded with an agreed road map with communication, networking and project development activities to be pursued in the course of the next 2 years. This road map aims at further establishing the “South Eastern European Mountain Research Network” (SEEmore) in the region, at the development of high-quality research proposals for interdisciplinary projects, and at enhanced access to regional research expertise and results.  ASO Ljubljana was represented at this conference by Mr. Gorazd Weiss, who also presented a paper on an inventory of funding opportunities for climate change-related research activities. This paper was produced by the Centre for Social Innovation and some other project partners in the context of the Western Balkan Countries INCO.net.

Presentation, summary and roadmap of the conference: http://mri.scnatweb.ch/events/mri-events/seemore-timisoara-networking-conference-2010.html

Event Review:  International Conference “Balkanisms Today” 3 to 5 September 2010, Vienna

Organisers: The Commission of Balcanology to the International Committee of Slavists and the Commission of Balcanology at the Austrian Academy of Sciences

More information: http://www.oeaw.ac.at/deutsch/aktuell/veranstaltungen/veranstaltung_12703.html

 (Aso-Newsletter – http://lists.zsi.at/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/aso-newsletter)


TELL THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION WHAT YOU THINK – GO, YOU’LL FEEL SO MUCH BETTER AFTER…. Give your views on the future EU Culture Programme by taking part in the online public consultation which was launched on their website on 15 September. This consultation, which is part of a wider consultation aimed at gathering views to be taken into account in the Commission’s proposal for a new Culture Programme, will be open until 15 December. The results of this consultation will be analysed and summarised in a report that will be published on this website in the first quarter of 2011. (SUCCINCT)

 ART NOUVEAU LIVES…. There will be an international symposiumPerception of Art Nouveau on 4-5 December 2010 at the Royal Museums of Art and History. The event will offer a historiographical stock-take of Art Nouveau from its heyday (1880-1920), which brought it as many admirers as detractors as the texts and caricatures testify, to its rediscovery by artists and intellectuals (1930-1950), and its current economic and touristic revaluation. This event is under the framework of the Belgian Presidency of the European Union. (SUCCINCT)

 TOURISTS TO BE ENCOURAGED TO VISIT & ENJOY MORE OLD STUFF… The 2010 European Tourism Day event will be entitled The role of Cultural Heritage in the renewed European tourism policy and will be held on 27 September 2010, on the occasion of World Tourism Day. This year, a special focus will be given to European Cultural Routes, in line with new communication of the European Commission “Europe, the world’s No 1 tourist destination – a new political framework for tourism in Europe”. The exhibition “Europe on the move : Vie Francigene and the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe” will be inaugurated during that day .

http://www.coe.int/t/dg4/cultureheritage/culture/Routes/OnTheMove_en.asp  (SUCCINCT)

 IF WE BUILD IT, THEY WILL COME… Lord Cultural Resources is to be involved in the project management of the exhibitions in the construction of the Grand Egyptian Museum within sight of the famous Old Kingdom Pyramids. The Grand Egyptian Museum will be the largest and most important Pharaonic museum in the world, the largest museum in Egypt and one of the leading scientific, historical and archaeological study centers on the globe. The museum’s twenty-first century galleries, designed by Metaphor, will be located in an iconic and distinctive building located on the edge of the desert abutting the Giza Pyramids world heritage site. The Museum, designed by Heneghan Peng Architects, will cover over 3,50 0 years of ancient Egyptian history and house more than 50,000 artifacts, including King Tutankhamun’s famed mummy and golden burial effects. The main achievement so far is the construction of the new conservation center with a documentation unit working to create a computerized database for all the artifacts. (SUCCINCT)


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