Town-Planning Parallels Bulgaria and the World: A Chronicle

Dobrina Zheleva-Martins

 Town Planning and Architecture in Bulgaria during the 19th and 20th Century

Town-Planning Parallels. Bulgaria and the World. A Chronicle

 Sofia 2004, “Marin Drinov” Academic Publishing House

 The book constitutes an encyclopedic chronicle of events, facts and phenomena in town-planning and architecture, outlined in parallel in Bulgaria and the world. Thus, a possibility is presented for structural perception of the history of the town-planning process, at the backdrop of the world historical picture, as well as in the Balkan, European, political, cultural and professional context.
The author has chosen the most significant historical events and facts, along with architectural and town-planning reference sites, projects, realizations, plans, documents, etc., presented in parallel: on global terras, and in Bulgaria. The format imposes a comparative perception of the evolution of town-planning in Bulgaria and in the world, taking into account the characteristic features of the community and of the separate identity. The reader can easily find a reference he/she needs and see it in the context of the respective significant world facts; to judge for himself/herself and without any external subjective interpretation “where we are”, to assess the importance of a given event for the progress of the Bulgarian town-planning.
The book provides source material, which fixes in an unbiased way the historical picture, as well as abundance of facts for interpretation by architects, town-planners, historians, art-critics, culturologists, for the time as well as for the irrespective of the change of the scientific paradigm.

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