Публикации на чужди езици
1. Желева, Д. И. Индустриализация жилищного строительства в Болгарии. В: Сборник материалов XXVIII научной конференции, М Арх И, Москва. 1972
2. Желева, Д, И., Новости в индустриализированном жилищном строительстве социалистических стран. – В: Сборник материалов XXIX, научной конференции МАрхИ, Москва, 1973
3. Желева, Д. И., Взаимосвязь требований функции, техники и эстетики в жилищном строительстве социалистических стран. Автореферат диссертации на соискание ученой степени кандидата наук. Москва. 1973
4. Желева, Д. , О стиле. – В: сп. Наш дом. /на руски език/, № 43, стр. 4-5, 1975
5. Желева-Мартинс, Д. Необыкновенное будущее интерьера. В: сп. Наш дом. /на руски език/, №48, стр. 6-7. 1975
6. Zeleva-Martins, D., Tektonikaaarchitektura. – ArchitekturaaUrbanizmus. Casopis preteoriu architektury, urbanizmu a zivotneho prostredia. Ustav Stavebnictva a Architektury S A V. No 17, n 3, pp. 169-182., Bratislava. 1983
7. Zeleva-Martins, D., Soucasneproblemyteoriearchtektury. Vystavbaaarchitektura, Roenik XXXV, VUVA, Praha, No 2, pp.13-18. 1989
8. Jeleva-Martins, D., Space models in architecture. An historical review. – In: Space andHistory. Urban, architectural and regional space. Skopelos symposium proceeding. Thessaloniki, pp. 143-156., 1989
9. Zheleva-Martins, D., Deep structures of the town – In: Architektura v prostredi.3. Vedeska konferencia “Kulturna kontinuita architektury”, Stara Lesna, 21-23 maja, 1991. Vydavatel Dom techniky ZSVTS, Bratislava, pp. 17-25; 75, 1989
10. Желева-Мартинс, Д., Семантика архитектурной формы. – В: Сб. Семиотикаи язык архитектуры. Москва, ВНИИТАГ, стр. 81-113.1991
11. Zheleva-Martins, D., The Line – Atchitectural Metamorphoses – In: Volume of Abstracts – IAPS 12 Conferense “Sosio-Environmental Metamorphoses. Builtscape, Landscape, Ethnoscape, Euroscape”Marmaras, Aristotel University of Thessaloniki, Greece. 1992
12. Zheleva-Martins, D., “The Fireplace as an Archi-Type of Home”– In: Septieme Congres International D’Est European, Thessalonique, 29 aut – 4 septembre. Communications, Athenes, 1994, Volume of Abstracts, p.100, 1994
13. Furkov, Yulii, Zheleva-Martins, D., “Reference Point of Urban Evolution” – In: Symposium papers – 11th General Assembly and International Symposium“The Heritageand Social Changes” – 5-9 October 1996, Sofia pp 477-480. 1996
14. Jeleva-Martins Viana, Dobrina, “Topogenesis of the city: Semantics of the Myth of origin”– In: “Khora = Historia + Cosmos”, №1 – International congress on architecture and semiotics: Topogenesis. Barcelona, Spain, Copisteria Miracle S.A., p. 37.1996
15. Zheleva, Dobrina, “Topogenesis of the city: Semantics of the myth of origin”-In: “Architecture, semiotics and social sciences.Topogenesis”, Quaderns d’Arquitectes. Edicions UPC (Universitat Politecnica Catalunia), Barcelona, Spain, Pp 131-146. 1997
16. Jeleva-Martins Dobrina I., “Natural archetypes of the home: A semantic analisis“- In: “La semiotica. Intersecction entre la naturaleza y la cultura. Semiotics bridging nature and culture“. VI-th International congress; International Associacion for Semiotic Studies. Guadalajara, Mexico, Julio, 13-18, 1997, Secction 1.1, p.16, 1997
17. Jeleva-Martins Dobrina I., “”Yavorov” residentialdistrict“ – register card- In: DOCOMOMO ISC /Registers BA Zeist The Netherlands, 1997
18. Jeleva-Martins Dobrina I., “”Ilinden” residentialdistrict“- register card – In: DOCOMOMO ISC /Registers BA Zeist TheNetherlands. 1997
19. Jeleva-Martins, D., “Les trais communs et specifiques del’urbanisme des capitales des Etats balkaniques au XIXe siecle” –In: Etudes balkaniques, Sofia, 1-2, pp 131-146, 1997
20. Jeleva-Martins Dobrina, “A Lexicon of Town-Planning in Modernism (From Examples of Bulgarian Towns from the 19-th – 20-th Century)” – In: “The Man and the City Spaces Forms Meanings.” V. I. Architecton, Saint Petersburg. Geneva. Thessaloniki.Ekaterinburg, Russia. pp. 255-270. 1998
21. Jeleva-Martins Viana Dobrina, “Town plans as documentary cultural heritage” – In: Actas del IV Congreso “Cultura Europea” Pamplona, 23-26 octubre de 1996. Universidad de Navarra, Centro de Estudios Europeos, Editorial ARANZADI, Pamplona, Espana. Pp 713-723, 1998
22. Jeleva-Martins Dobrina, “Ecology and Cultural-Historical Heritage: Looking forthe Mutual Benefits”- In:”V Congreso “Cultura Europea”– Resumenes, Centro de Estudios Europeos, Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona, Espana, pp.139-140.1998
23. Zheleva-Martins-Viana, D. “The Modernist Doctrine: Interpretation in Muesmann’sPlan of Sofia” – In: “Vision and Reality”. Conference Proceedings, Fifth International DOCOMOMO Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, Ed. Swedish Museum of Architecture, pp. 200-204, 1998
24. Zheleva-Martins, D. & Furkov, Yuli, “The role of the engineers from the russian army in layingthe foundations of contemporary Bulgarian town planningafter the liberation from Turkish domination in 1878” In: “Etudes Balkaniques”, Institute d’ Etudes Balkaniques, Academie Bulgare des Sciences, N=1-2, pp 75-83, Sofia, 1999
25. Zheleva-Martins, D., “Coulor as semantic indicator of style in architecture (on examples from the 19th and 20th century)” – In: BULCOLOR’99 International color conference Proceedings, Varna, pp 447-254, 1999
26. Zheleva-Martins Viana, D. “Tectonics as theory of form and form-formation” – In: Abstracts, 7th World Congress of the International Association For Semiotic Studies, “Sign Processes in Complex Systems”, Technial University Dresden, October 6-11, 1999; editor Dinda L. Gorlee, p.403, 1999
27. Martins-Viana, Dobrina Zh& Jully K. Furkov, ”Reference Points of Cultural Regeneration” – In: Journal of Balkan Ecology, Vol. 2, No. 1 , pp 29-33 Sofia, 1999
28. Желева-Мартинс Виана, Д. “Топогенезис города: Семантика мифа о происхождении” – В: “Семиотика пространства” – Сборник научных трудов Международной Ассоциации Семиотики Пространства, Изд. ”Архитектон”, Екатеринбург, Россия, стр. 443-466, 1999
29.- 35. Zheleva-Martins, D. & Diana Popova, “Delibasev, AtanasChristov”; “Danadziev, Avram”; “Danadzieva, AngelaVasileva”; “Danadzieva, FannyVasileva”;“Dandolov, Hhristo”; “Dandolova, Iskra”; “Danov, TodorJoncev” – In: ALLGEMEINES KUNSTLER LEXIKON World Biographical Dictionary of Artists”, K. G. Saur Verlag Munchen–Leipzig; 1999, http://www.saur.de/akl
36. Jeleva-Martins Dobrina, “Ecology and Cultural–Historical Heritage: In search for the Mutual Benefits”- In: Actas del V Congreso “CulturaEuropea”, Pamplona, 28-31 10.1998, Centro de Estudios Europeos, Universidad de Navarra, Ed. ARANZADI, Pamplona, Espana, pp. 139-140. 2000
37 – 48. Zheleva-Martins, D. & Diana Popova, “DimcevEmil”; “DjankovAngel”; “DzelebovKosta”;“DobrinovaAngelina”; “DonkovAtanas”; “Doseva–Georgieva, MariaLuiza”; “DorosievAleksandar”; “DonkovAtanas”; “DzangozovKonstantin”; “DubovikAleksandar”; “DragomirovZhivko”; “DobrevaJanka” – In: ALLGEMEINES KUNSTLER LEXIKON World Biographical Dictionary of Artists”, K.G.Saur Verlag Munchen–Leipzig 2000, http://www.saur.de/akl
49. Zheleva-Martins, D., “Courant migrateures et influences architecturales” – In: Congres International d’Architecture Vernaculaire des Balcans, 12-15 octobre, Centre d’Arts Veria, ICOMOS – Greece /на гръцки език/, ARTinGRAPH, Veria, pp 359-366, 2000
50 – 53. Zheleva-Martins Viana, D. & Jully K. Furkov, “Georgi Nenov”; “Liuben Tonev”;“Delcho Sugarev”; “Asen Stoichkov” – In: “DICTIONARIO DELL’ARCHITETTURA DEL XX SECOLO”, ed. Carlo Olmo, Umberto Allemandi & C.,Turin, Italy, 2001
54 – 55. Zheleva-Martins, D. & Diana Popova “Dzedzev Krasimir Gospodinov”;“Dzumakov, Dechko”; In: ALLGEMEINES KUNSTLER LEXIKON World Biographical Dictionary of Artists”, K.G.Saur Verlag Munchen–Leipzig 2001, http://www.saur.de/akl
56. Zheleva-Martins, Dobrina, Dessislava Nicolaidou,Borislav Viana, “Semantics of the Orthodox Temple: Space, Terminology, Visualisation”- In: http://www.oxtemple.f2s.com, 2001
57. Jeleva-Martins, Dobrina, Arch. ”Tectonics as Theory of Form and Form- Formation”(paper-book) – In: ”Lo Straniero” Journal of IMSE: International Movement for Interdisciplinary Study of Estrangement, Naples, Italy, N=33, pag. 25, 444, 2001
58. Zheleva-Martins, Dobrina, Sasha Lozanova, “Ethnic peace in the city of silence” In: “Lo Straniero”,Journal of IMSE: International Mouvment for Interdisciplinary Study of Estrangement, Naples, Italy, N=36, pp 36-37, 496, 2002
59. Zheleva-Martins, Dobrina, “Sofia in images – annotation of aresearch project”– In: VII Congreso“Cultura Europea”, Resumenes Abstracts Resumes Zusammenfassung, “Z” – pp. 77-78- Centro de Estudios Europeos Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona, Spane, 23-26 octubre 2002
60-61. Zheleva-Martins, D.& Diana Popova “Еvrev, Petko Iliev”; “Еvgeniev, Ivan Todorov” – In: Algemeines Kunstlerlexikon/ World Biographical Dictionary of Artists, K.G.Saur Verlag, Munchen, Germany, 2002, http://www.saur.de/akl
62. Jeleva-Martins, Dobrina, Arch.“Ethnic Structure of the BulgarianCities before Their Urban Planning at the End of the 19th Century” – In: “EtudesBalkaniques”,Sofia Institute d’Etudes Balkaniques, Academie des Sciences de Bulgarie, № 2, pp 125 – 136, 2002
63. Zheleva-Martins, Dobrina “SemanticsoftheIonicCapital” – In: “THRACIAXV In honour of Alexander Fol’s 70th anniversary”, Sofia, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Thracolоgy, Tangra TanNakRa Publishing House, 2003, pp 463-478, 2003
64. Zheleva-Martins, D. I. – “Annotations on the Research Project “Sofia and Its Images”- In: “Lo Straniero”, #37, N=531, pp 45-46, Naples, Italy, 2003
65. Желева-Мартинс, Д., “Следи от ориенталското градоустройство вструктурата на големите български градове: ХІХ-ХХ век”- В: “В поисках “ориентального” на БалканахАнтичность Средневековье Новое время” – Балканские чтения 7, Тезисы и материалы, Москва, 24-26 марта, 2003, с.152-154
66. Zheleva-Martins, D., “Annotations on the Research Project “Sofia in Images” – In: 27th IMISE Conference “Ways of cultural Estrangement A No-barriers Interdisciplinary Dialogue”, 14-19 July, 2003, Universitat Klagenfurt, Austry
67.Zheleva-Martins, D. “Visual History of Sofia” – In: IX th International Congress of South – East European Studies, Tirana, 30.08.2004 – 3.09.2004, Resumes, Academie des Sciences d’Albanie, pp. 188-189
68. Zheleva-Martins, Dobrina,“An atempt at structural history of the bulgarian Town- planning”– In: 8th congress of International Association of Semiotic Studies (AIS/IASS) “Signs of the world Interculturality and globalization”, Session 7 “Semiotics of Space”, Lyon, July, 7th –12th, 2004 (Abstracts, p. 426), ttp://sites.univ-lyon2fr/semio2004/rubrique.php3?id_rubrique=19
69. Zheleva-Martins, D. Courant migrateures et influences architecturales” – In: Congres International d’Architecture Vernaculaire des Balcans, 12-15 octobre, 2004, Centre d’Arts Veria, ICOMOS – Greece /на гръцки език/, pp.359-365
70. Jeleva-Martins Viana, D. “Verbalization of the Architectural, Iconizacionof theVerbal Text”– In: “Orpheus”Journal of Indo-European and Thracian Studies, Publication of Institute of Thracology at BAS, 2004, № 13-14, pp 71 – 98
71. Zheleva-Martins, D., Varbanova Val.,“Sofia as cultural travel market in the context of the world tourism spase” – In ABSTRACTS; XXII World Congress of Architecture, UIA 2005, Istanbul; “Cities: Grand Bazaar of Architectures”, 3-7 July, Istanbul, Turcia, ID 163, Category: 1.1. “CITIES, Grand Bazaar of ArchitectureS”, p. 80
72. Zheleva-Martins, D., V. Varbanova “Sofia as cultural travel market in the context of the world tourism spase” – In: CD – “Academic contributions” of the XXII World Congress of Architecture UIA 2005 Istanbul “Cities: Grand Bazaar of Architectures” 3-7 July, Istanbul; #163
73. Zheleva-Martins, D., Varbanova Val., “SOFIA—A CULTURAL HERITAGE TOURISM DESTINATION – Inhttp://www.sofiatourism.eu/sofia.htm?ReadForm, 2005
74. Zheleva-Martins, D., “The Modern Bulgarian Town-Planning at The Crossing Point Between The Eastern and Westеrn Avant-Garde” – In: “TERRITORIUM” “Spatial planning in East and Souteast Europe” – Institut za planiranje Geografskog faculteta Univerziteta u Beogradu; Jun 2005, Broj 3
75. Zheleva-Martins, D., Farkov, Yulii K., “Theroute of the Gold between Thrace and Hellas” – In: “Abstracts”of 10th International congress of Thracology“, Komotini– Alexandroupoli, 2005, 18-23 october, Ed. Ministry of Culture, Greece; p.132
76.Zheleva-Martins, D., Yulii Kirilov Furkov,“The Regular Geometric Grid of Towns Seen as an Archetype”– In: THRACIA XVI – IN HONOREM X CONGRESSUS STUDIORUM THRACICORUM GRAECIA 2005, Institute of Thracology – Sofia, 2005, pp 275-284
77.Zheleva-Martins, D,, “Theory of Form Formation / Theory of Composition: In Search of Differentia Specifica” – In: “Educating Designers for a Global Context?” – Proceedings of the 4th engineering & Product Design Education, International Confererence, Salzburg, University of Applied Sciences, September 2006, Austria, Published by Hadleys Ltd, United Kingdom, pp.323-328
78.Zheleva-Martins, D, “Migration as a Factor for Forming a CommonRegional Architectural Picture of the Balkans – In: 4th In ASEA Conference “Region, Regional Identity and Regionalism in Southeastern Europe” Timişoara, Romania, 24–27 May 2007 – Abstracts of the conference presentations .
78. Zheleva-Martins, D., “Bulgaria: Variations in Town Planning”, In: “Other Modernisms. A selection from the DOCOMOMO Registers”, DOCOMOMO Journal, #36 (March), 2007, pp. 22-24
80. Zheleva-Martins, D.& Geleva-Tsvetkova, ”The city as a palimpsest Based on the example of Sofia” – In: Abstracts of 9th congress of International Association of Semiotic Studies (AIS/IASS) “Communication: Understanding Misanderstanding”, 2007, 11-17 June, Helsinki/Imatra – http://www.helsinki.fi/iass9/congress_schedule_april24.pdf.
81. Zheleva-Martins, D., “Plovdiv – Image and identity” – In: “Exterior”, p.60-63, 2008
82. Zheleva-Martins, D., “Were is going the Bulgarian architecture” – In: “AMC”, 2009, pp.28-29,
83. Dobrina Zheleva – Martins, Minka Zlateva. “THE SILK THREADS BETWEEN THE EAST AND THE WEST” (IN ENGLISH)– IN: Papers fromInternational Conference „The Silk Road”, Organized by Confucius Institute in Sofia, Bulgaria, June 3-4, 2011, Confucius Institute in Sofia, 2011 pp 85-91; ISBN: 978-959-92505-1-0 http://confuciusinstitute.bg/thesilkroad.pdf
84. Zheleva-Martins, Dobrina, “Sofia in the contecst of Balkan cultural corridors”, In: “The Dialog with the Oder: Balkan Dimentions of European Identity”, “St.Kliment Ohridski” University Press, Sofia, 2011, pp 74-89
85.Petrova, M., Zheleva-Martins, D., “Interactive Methods in Engineering Design Education: Our Experience”– In: Design education for future wellbeing, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Engineering & Product Design Education, Artesis University College, Antwerp, Berlgium, 6-7 September 2012, Paper Abstracts, p.36, ISBN: 978-1-904670-37-7
86. Petrova, Miroslava and Dobrina Zheleva-Martins – „Interactive Methods in Engineering Design Education: Our Experience” – „Design Education for Future Wellbeing”, PROCEEDINGS OF THE 14TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENGINEERING AND PRODUCT DESIGN EDUCATION, ARTESIS UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, ANTWERP, BELGIUM 6TH – 7TH SEPTEMBER 2012, EPDE 2012, Published by: The Design Society, Institution of Engineering Designers
87. Zheleva-Martins Dobrina, “Concept for Teaching Theory of Composition and Form Formation” – in Textiles and Light Industrial Science and Technology (TLIST) ISSN Online: 2304-9421 ISSN Print: 2304-943X http://www.tlist-journal.org/paperInfo.aspx?ID=5412
88. Zheleva-Martins Viana, Dobrina I , Miroslava N. Petrova, Stela B. Tasheva, ” FROM INTERDISCIPLINARITY TO CREATIVITY” – In: Journal of International Scientific Publications: “Educational Alternatives”,Volume11, Part2, 2013; pp.160-168; ISSN 1313-2571, Published at: http://www.scientific-publications.net http://www.scientific-publications.net/download/educational-alternatives-2013-2.pdf
89. Желева-Мартинс, Д.И., Ташева, С.Б. (Болгария, София) “Универсальные конструкции В.Г.Шухова в предметном индустриальном дизайне” – В: ДИЗАЙН-ИСКУССТВО-ПРОМЬІШЛЕННОСТЬ, Международный сборник научных трудов, Выпуск 2, 2014, ст. 9-20 Design. Art. Industry, (DAI), т. 2, 2014, с. 10-20 ISSN 2312-6116
90. Zheleva-Martins Dobrina, PhD, Minka Zlateva, PhD, Reconsideration of Cultural-historical Value of Central Public Space of Sofia by Means of Communication – In: “Communication, ville et espace public”; “Communication, ciudad y espacio publico”; “Communication, City and Public Space”, Le Reseau international des chaires UNESKO en communication ORBICOM, Publie par Les Editions de L’ immateriel, Paris, 2019 , pp 486-515 ISBN: 979-10-91636-17-9
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