14th International DOCOMOMO Conference
The Modern Movement Towards the Future
Lisbon, Portugal
1-12 September 2016
Website: www.docomomo2016.com
In pursuit of the mission of docomomo, as updated in the Eindhoven-Seoul Statement 2014, the theme of the 14th International docomomo Conference will be Adaptive Reuse. The Modern Movement Towards the Future: The aim is to promote the conservation and (re)use of buildings and sites of the Modern Movement, to foster and disseminate the development of appropriate techniques and methods of conservation and (re)use, and to explore and develop new ideas for the future of a sustainable built environment, based on the past experiences of the Modern Movement.
The Modern Movement has demonstrated its long term legitimacy, as a concept endowed with an extraordinary longevity. Relating technology, form and social commitment to one another, through an optimistic faith in progress, modern architects sought to attain new heights of functionality and flexibility in use. The challenge for today is how to deal with this modern legacy in relation to the continuously changing context of the current times, including physical, economic and functional changes, as well as fast-moving socio-cultural, political and scientific contextual values.
Preserving the architectural heritage of the 20th century requires us to take account both of the opportunity and the duty to reuse buildings which have lost their original function, which are physically and/or technically obsolete, and which no longer meet today’s ever-more demanding standards. Such matters as the demand for material and technology reuse and for spatial and functional transformations, and the updating of regulations concerning fire, seismic stability, user safety, energy efficiency and environmental comfort legislation, are all part of the contemporary agenda. This inevitably highlights the question of the value of the existing built fabric, which can be a strong resource that calls for our attention in terms of social, economic and environmental sustainability.
In its pursuit of the task of conserving and rebuilding, docomomo must itself be modern and sustainable in order to continue to fulfil the Modern Movement’s social and collective project, as modernity and sustainability are part of the primary nature of Modern Movement project itself. In our view, the Modern Movement still carries on today and into the future, as an ever-present social, spatial and technological project engaged with the community, constantly engaging with the challenge of creating a better place to live.
Contributions are invited to put together under discussion themes such as the interrelationship of modernity and modern heritage, economy and energy saving, the social mission of architecture and the responsibility of architects towards the future. These themes are intended to be discussed both as MoMo concepts, to be analysed chiefly through documentation, and as contemporary modern interventions, to be debated in accordance with the needs and conditions of today. As a multidisciplinary platform, this conference aims to investigate a cross-section of subjects that are raised by the challenge of preserving, renovating and transforming the Modern Movement legacy worldwide, alongside with the complex background of today’s changing times. In the end, the goal is to achieve a pluricultural comparison of standards and practices for intervention on 20th century heritage.
docomomo International is pleased to invite you to take part in the 14th International docomomo Conference that will take place in Lisbon, Portugal, from the 6th to 9th September 2016, under the theme Adaptive Re-use. The Modern Movement Towards the Future.
In order to increase transnational and interdisciplinary multicultural approaches to the study of the Modern Movement and promote the exchange of plural and worldwide knowledge, session proposals are welcome until 28 June 2015. On 31 July chairs will be notified regarding acceptance of their session and will receive further instructions. The call for abstracts will follow.
docomomo International encourages the submission of session proposals in as comparative and interdisciplinary a form as possible. To give the opportunity to discuss Modern Movement architecture, design and planning at different scales, from a holistic point of view, proposal submissions dealing with the following related sub-themes are encouraged:
1) Landscapes, 2) Cities, 3) Public Spaces, 4) Complexes, 5) Buildings, 6) Construction and Technology, 7) Interior Design and Furniture and 8) Theory.
Please submit your session by sending the Session Proposal Form by June 28, 2015 to docomomo2016@gmail.com.
Kongress “Europäische Kultur” / Conference “European Culture” / Congrès “Culture Européenne”
Ha llegado el momento para un nuevo intercambio de ideas sobre la cultura europea. Le invitamos a participar en el XIII Congreso “Cultura Europea”, que se celebrará en Cluj-Napoca del 29 al 31 de octubre de 2015. La convocatoria está abierta. Para obtener más información, visite http://euro.ubbcluj.ro/europeanculture/ .
The time for a new exchange of reflections on European Culture has come. You are invited to join the XIII Conference “European Culture”, which will be held in Cluj-Napoca from the 29th to the 31st of October 2015. The call for papers is now open. For more information, go to http://euro.ubbcluj.ro/europeanculture/ .
A sosit momentul pentru un nou schimb de idei cu privire la cultura europeană. Vă invităm să participaţi la a XIII-a Conferinţă “Cultura Europeană”, care va avea loc în Cluj-Napoca în perioada 29–31 octombrie 2015. Sesiunea de primire a lucrărilor este deschisă. Pentru mai multe informaţii, vizitați http://euro.ubbcluj.ro/europeanculture/
Le temps pour un nouvel échange de réflexions sur la culture européenne est arrivé. Vous êtes invités à participer à la XIIIème Conférence “Culture européenne”, qui aura lieu à Cluj-Napoca du 29 au 31 Octobre 2015. Envoyez vos dossiers de propositions dès aujourd’hui. Pour plus d’informations, consultez http://euro.ubbcluj.ro/europeanculture/
Die Zeit ist gekommen für einen neuen Gedankenaustausch zum Thema “Europäische Kultur”. Wir laden herzlich ein zum XIII. Kongress “Europäische Kultur”, der vom 29.-31. Oktober 2015 in Cluj-Napoca stattfinden wird. Beiträge können eingereicht werden. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter http://euro.ubbcluj.ro/europeanculture/
È arrivato il momento per un nuovo scambio di idee sulla cultura europea. Vi invitiamo a partecipare al XIII Congresso “Cultura Europea” che si terrà a Cluj-Napoca dal 29 al 31 ottobre 2015. È aperta la possibilità di presentare delle communicazioni. Per ulteriori informazione visitare il sito http://euro.ubbcluj.ro/europeanculture/
Chegou o momento para um novo intercâmbio de ideias sobre a cultura europeia. Convidamo-lo a participar no XIII Congresso “Cultura Europea”, que se celebrará em Cluj-Napoca de 29 a 31 de Outubro de 2015. La convocatória está aberta. Para obter mais informações visite http://euro.ubbcluj.ro/europeanculture/
Nadszedł czas na nową dyskusję dotyczącą kultury europejskiej. Zapraszamy do uczestnictwa w XIII Kongresie “Kultura Europejska”, który odbędzie się w Cluj-Napoca od 29 do 31 października 2015. Czekamy na nadsyłanie zgłoszeń. Więcej informacji można uzyskać na stronie internetowej http://euro.ubbcluj.ro/europeanculture/
“Avrupa Kültürü” konusunda yeni bir fikir alışverişinin zamanı geldi! Sizleri 29-31 Ekim 2015 tarihinde Cluj-Napoca’da gerçekleşecek olan XII. “Avrupa Kültürü” kongresine davet ediyoruz. Kongreye bildirilerinizle başvurabilirsiniz. Ayrıntılı bilgiye http://euro.ubbcluj.ro/europeanculture/ adresinden ulaşabilirsiniz.
Ha arribat el moment per un nou intercanvi d’idees sobre la cultura europea. Li convidem a participar al XIII Congrés “Cultura Europea” que es celebrarà a Cluj-Napoca del 29 al 31 d’octubre de 2015. La convocatòria és oberta. Per tal d’obtenir més informació, vegeu el següent enllaç: http://euro.ubbcluj.ro/europeanculture/
Prof. Dr. Dr.h.c. Enrique Banús, M.A.
Cátedra Jean Monnet ad personam “Cultura Europea”
Director Instituto de Estudios Europeos Universidad de Piura
Prof. Dr. Nicolae Paun Dean Faculty for European Studies
Babes-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca
Newsletter W|C|B
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Liebe Leserinnen und Leser,
wir mochten Sie mit diesem Newsletter auf den Callfor Abstracts zum Heft 34 hinweisen, das Ende 2015 erscheinen wird. Es wurde uns freuen, wenn Sie den Call auch an Ihre Kolleginnen und Kollegen weiterleiten wurden.
Heft 34: Zwischen Architektur und Landschaftsarchitektur
Auf den ersten Blick konnen Wohnhauser, Parks, Museen, Brucken, Ein- kaufsstraBen, Platze und Garten mehr oder weniger klar als „Gebaude” oder „Freiraum”, als „Architektur” oder „Landschaftsarchitektur” aus- gemacht werden. Das spiegelt sich bis heute auch in den Bezeichnungen des Berufs, der Berufsverbande und der Studiengange wider. Schaut man sich allerdings Architektur und Landschaftsarchitektur genauer an, ist es manchmal schwierig, sie einem Gebaude- oder Freiraumtyp zuzuordnen. Typen scheinen in Bewegung zu geraten, sodass sich vielleicht auch be- griffliche Fixierungen lockern mussen, ohne das Feld des „Architektoni- schen” zu verlassen. Solche Architekturen werden sichtbar beispielsweise in Form von Schwellen, Hybriden, Mimesen, Inseln, Klammern oder der- gleichen. Wolkenkuckucksheim sucht fur das Heft 34 Zwischen Architek- tur und Landschaftsarchitektur Aufsatze, die sich diesem Thema widmen. Das Heft wird von Sebastian Feldhusen und Ute Poerschke kuratiert.
Heft 33: Theorie der Technik in Architektur und Stadtebau
„Du kannst nicht Beides haben, die Technik und die Kunst“, behauptet Adolf Behne kuhn. Die Behauptung ist kuhn, da das Vermogen zur Technik eine Grundbestimmung des Menschen ist. Doch wir wollen „jenes Eng- gebundene, jenes Beschrankte und Bruchstuckhafte” der Technik (Ernst Cassirer) gerade auch in der Architektur uberwinden. Das Heft 33 zur Theorie der Technik in Architektur und Stadtebau stellt sich dieser ver-
meintlichen Dichotomie von antiker Philosophie bis zur Medienfassade in 21 Artikeln und auf uber 300 Seiten. Das Heft wurde von Ute Poerschke und Oliver Schurer kuratiert.
Beste GruBe von Wolkenkuckucksheim
Eduard Fuhr, Jorg Gleiter, Ute Poerschke und Sebastian Feldhusen
Dear Friends of Cloud-Cuckoo-Land,
With this newsletter, we would like to make you aware of the new Call for Abstracts for Issue 34, Between Architecture and Landscape Architecture. The targeted publication date is December 2015. We would much appreciate if you forwarded this newsletter to your colleagues and potential contributors.
Issue 34: Between Architecture and Landscape Architecture
On first glance, apartment blocks, museums, shopping malls, bridges, parks, squares and gardens can be identified as either “buildings” or “open space,” either “architecture” or “landscape architecture.” This identifica¬tion is reflected in the nomenclature of the professions, the professional associations, and the academic programs. However, taking a closer look at individual projects, such classifications become more complex and the line between architecture and landscape architecture becomes blurred; pro¬jects turn out to be neither pure building nor pure open space. These clas¬sifications have become less black and white and, as a consequence, con¬ceptual determinations must loosen while remaining within the realm of the „architectonic.“ Such works of architecture could manifest themselves, for example, as thresholds, hybrids, mimeses, islands, and clamps, among others. Cloud-Cuckoo-Land invites authors to submit contributions that reflect on this topic. The issue Between Architecture and Landscape Ar¬chitecture is curated by Sebastian Feldhusen and Ute Poerschke.
Issue 33: Theorizing Technology in Architecture and Urbanism
“You cannot have both technics and art,” is a radical claim by Adolf Beh- ne. It is radical because technological processing is an intrinsic human at¬tribute – as is artistic creation. Architecture in particular has strived to overcome the “narrow, limited and fragmentary character” of technology (Ernst Cassirer). The issue 33 “Theorizing Technology in Architecture and Urbanism” addresses this alleged dichotomy through contributions ran¬ging from early philosophy to media fagades. The issue consists of 21 artic¬les on 317 pages and is curated by Ute Poerschke and Oliver Schurer.
Best wishes from Cloud-Cuckoo-Land
Eduard Fuhr, Jorg Gleiter, Ute Poerschke, and Sebastian Feldhusen
Дорогие друзья журнала Воздушный замок!
Мы приглашаем вас присилать аннотации статей для 34 випуска журнала, тема которого – «Между архитектурой и ландшафтной архитектурой». Предполагаемая дата публикации – декабрь 2015 года. Мы будем признательны за вашу помощь в рассылке данного письма вашим коллегам и другим потенциальнмм авторам.
Выпуск № 34: Между архитектурой и ландшафтной архитектурой
На первый взгляд, жилые и музейные комплекси, торгово- развлекательние площадки, мосты, парки, площади и сади можно отнести и к строениям, и к откритим пространствам, и к ландшафтной архитектуре. Соответствующие понятия закреплени в номенклатурных документах специалистов, профессиональних ассоциаций и учебных программах образовательних учреждений. Если же обратить пристальное внимание на авторские проекти, классификация оказывается более сложной и граница между архитектурой и ландшафтной архитектурой полностью размывается: то, что представлено в проектах, нельзя полностью отнести к постройкам или открытым пространствам. Классификация перестала бить жесткой и, как следствие, появилась необходимость расширить граници концептуальных определений, оставаясь при этом в предметной области архитектури. Архитектурными объектами, которые можно рассматривать в рамках предлагаемой теми, могут бить, например, входние пространства, гибриди, мимезиси, острова, соединяющие пространства объекти и так далее. «Воздушний замок» приглашает авторов присилать работи, касающиеся данной теми. Редактори випуска «Между архитектурой и ландшафтной архитектурой» – Себастьян Фельдхузен и Уте Поершки.
Выпуск № 33: Теория технологии в архитектуре и урбанизме
Адольф Бене однажди заметил: «Невозможно сочетать и технику, и искусство». Это утверждение кажется слишком безапелляционним, так как человек расположен к технологиям ровно так же, как и к искусству. Архитектура, в частности, всегда питалась вийти за рамки своего «ограниченного, фрагментарного характера», присущего технологии Эрнст Кассиер). Випуск #33 “Теория технологии в архитектуре и урбанизме” посвящается Этой предполагаемой дихотомии и представляет работи, посвященние широкому кругу проблем, от ранней философии до современних фасадов, содержащих в себе элементи медиа. На 317 страницах випуска представлена 21 статья. Редактори випуска – Ютэ Поэршке и Оливер Шурер.
С наилучшими пожеланиями, Журнал Воздушньй замок Эдуард Фюр, Йорг Гляйтер, Уте Поершки и Себастьян Фельдхузен
May 18, 2015
dobrina ·
Comments Closed
Tags: Call for Abstracts: Wolkenkuckucksheim ;Cloud-Cuckoo-Land; Журнал Воздушньй замок; Kongress "Europäische Kultur" / Conference "European Culture" / Congrès "Culture Européenne"; 14th International DOCO · Posted in: Актуална информация, Други, Лекционни курсове, Публикации на български, Публикации на други езици, Събития, Текстове на други езици, Учебни пособия